Saturday, March 27, 2010

a new idea

i've been looking around for some suede string that i can buy by the meter and i've finally found some. i happened upon a little craft shop alongside the albert cuyp market that turns out to be quite a famous place apparently. the shop sells all sorts of trinkets from buttons to feathers (april - they have some beautiful feathers but unfortunately they're a little on the pricey side..i'll see what i can do). anyway, i'm so happy about my suede because it's very fun and multifunctional. bracelets, necklaces, belts, hair! i bought four colours, one meter each, and so far have used each piece except the turquoise one.

(too bad i didn't have a wrist model handy)

with the new arrangement of my room i've now sort of got a craft table which has been very conducive to my craft productivity - my supplies are out and there is space to work, not much of an effort is required now. i bought some beautiful handwritten sheet music and some old maps at a market a few weeks ago which have added some new inspiration. despite the fact that it feels rather vain, i think i'll start posting some of the things i make on here. i hope it will help motivate me to continue making things and perhaps will make me feel a wee bit accountable.

on a whole other note i'm getting very excited about the weekend of april 22nd - maggie, steph and i will potentially be meeting in barcelona! we're still at the point of trying to reach each other on skype but i have a feeling it will actually happen. i'll keep you posted on our planning progress.

well i'm being distracted by delicious smells of pesto pasta wafting up to my room. i better go eat!


Emilie Jasper-Petry said...

what a yummy post! yummy trinkets, yummy prospects, yummy pesto! "mmm penises, yum, yum, yum."
i gotta go get my shit together. thanks for being so inspiring tor! everything looks great, and obvs not vain at all!

Rachel said...

no bacon or sandwich meat in the pasta this time?

Tor said...

emj you're yummy! and not this time rach - thank god!

April said...

tor you gotta post that shit! (in response to vanity)

Stephanie McClellan said...

i recognize that elephant!!